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International "Nuclear Power Fact File" Poster Campaign Nuclear Power is a Dead End Uranium will only last a few decades - what then?Nuclear power - like the wasteful consumption of finite reserves of fossil fuels - is at a dead end. This is because the uranium, which is needed to operate nuclear power stations, is a scarce resource. "Fast breeder" reactors, with which it was hoped to stretch out the reserves for some time, have proven to be a failure on technical and commercial grounds. In just a few decades the nuclear power industry's fuel reserves will run out
Since oil and natural gas reserves will be used up in the foreseeable future, as well as uranium reserves, the human race can only meet its long-term energy needs by using forms of renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency. Nuclear Power is a Con Trick
Nuclear energy is dispensable for power supplyIn order to claim more importance for nuclear power, the nuclear industry repeatedly overstates nuclear energy's share of electricity generation. If one examines closely what contribution nuclear energy makes to total worldwide energy consumption, it becomes evident that nuclear power is of practically no significance for mankind's energy needs.
In 2001, nuclear electricity supplied only 2.3 percent of worldwide energy needs. Renewable energy's contribution to world energy supply is already significantly greater.
The human race can easily do without nuclear power's marginal contribution. The risks of nuclear accidents, production of highly radioactive waste and the costs necessary for its disposal, bear no rational relationship to the slight short-term gain in energy that nuclear power provides. Nuclear power is both hazardous and superfluous. Nuclear Power Gambles with our Lives Risk of Worst-Case Scenario Nuclear Incident in Europe: 16 PercentAn accident could happen in any power station as a result of technical defect or human error, releasing large quantities of radioactivity into the environment.
According to the official "German Nuclear Power Station Risk Study - Phase B", a German nuclear power station in operation over some 40 years has a 0.1 percent probability of a worst-case scenario nuclear incident. In the European Union there are more than 150 operational nuclear power stations. The probability of a worst-case scenario nuclear incident is around 16% in Europe. That equates to the chances of throwing a 6 with the first cast of the dice.
Worldwide there are some 440 operational nuclear power stations. The probability of a major worst-case scenario incident within the next 40 years is in the region of 40 percent. As the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl shows, a major worst-case scenario nuclear incident can be expected to cause several thousand fatalities. Nuclear Power is a Waste No one wants such a legacyEvery nuclear power station converts uranium fuel rods through nuclear fission into highly radioactive nuclear waste. Nuclear waste constitutes a life-threatening hazard because of its radioactive emissions. People, animals and plants need to therefore be shielded from it for several hundreds of thousands of years.
Nuclear power stations have been in operation for some 50 years but to date no one knows how nuclear waste can ultimately be stored. Worldwide there is not one safe and secure disposal option for the highly radioactive waste produced by nuclear power stations
In the short period of time that nuclear power has been used, it is leaving behind - in the shape of the resultant nuclear waste - a dead hand of historical dimensions for the Earth. If prehistoric man had already had nuclear power stations we would even today still be having to maintain a watch over his waste. Nuclear Power is a Bomb Factory
Nuclear power promotes proliferation of nuclear weaponsThose countries which have developed and built nuclear bombs in recent decades began with a civil nuclear program. However, these civil programs were often only a cover for their military interests and provided them with access to the technologies and know-how for the design of nuclear bombs.
This fact shows that the export and further proliferation of nuclear technology significantly increases the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation. Nuclear Power Cannot Save the Climate Climate change can only be prevented by using renewablesThe nuclear industry concedes that coal, oil and gas cannot be replaced by nuclear power. In order to replace a mere 10 percent of fossil energy in the year 2050 by means of nuclear power, up to 1000 new nuclear power stations would have to be built (at the moment there are about 440 nuclear power stations worldwide). Construction of these plants would - if ever realised - take several decades. Existing uranium reserves would then be rapidly exhausted.
Even the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) admits that nuclear energy could not be expanded swiftly enough to stop climate change.
The solution is quite different: various world energy scenarios show that the climate problem can only be solved by the use of renewable forms of energy in conjunction with efficient and economical energy technologies. Nuclear Power Makes Less Jobs Jobs? Wind power beats nuclear!Nuclear power is capital intensive while renewable forms of energy are labour (job) intensive. For example, in Germany in 2002 some 30,000 people were employed in the nuclear industry. On the other hand, more than 53,000 people are presently employed in the German wind power industry alone. Overall, the renewable energies industry in Germany has already secured 120,000 jobs despite its as yet only small share of power generation. Further expansion of renewable energies is adding new jobs on a daily basis.
Millions of new jobs could be created worldwide within the space of a few years by expanding the use of renewable forms of energy. Alternatives to Nuclear Energy 100% of energy from sun, wind, water and biomassIn 2002, the German parliament presented an energy scenario according to which the entire German energy supply requirement could be achieved through the use of renewable forms of energy. If that is possible in Germany - a country with a small geographical area, high population and energy density and a high standard of living – it is possible anywhere. Meanwhile even the energy industry concedes that, by the year 2050, more energy could be provided from renewable sources worldwide than mankind is using today.
The energy needs of this earth can be met through a mix of solar thermal power plants and solar electricity stations, wind farms, hydroelectric power stations and the various uses of biomass. In order to restrict growth of the energy requirement, economical energy technologies must come into play.
Added to this, the rapid expansion of a world solar energy industry is an important step towards preventing wars over scarce resources such as oil, gas and uranium. Shut down nuclear power plants.
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Background Information (English) pdf doc rtf Hintergrundinformationen (Deutsch) pdf doc rtf This "Nuclear Power Fact File" poster campaign is posted by
The German Afiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and
EUROSOLAR The European Association for Renewable Energy |
Tschernobyl,Chernobyl,Super-GAU,nuclear,energy,nuclear energy,nuclear power,power,facts,fact file,arguments,poster,posters,accident,nuclear incident,risks,risk,health,cancer,thyroid cancer,probability,nuclear power station,nuclear waste,waste,uranium,power supply,radioactive,bomb,weapon,climate,commitment,IAEA,IAEO,International Atomic Energy Agency,Internationale Atomenergie Organisation,International Energy Agency,nuclear industry,power industry,Siemens,Siemens G,KWU,AREVA,Framatome,EdF,Electricité de France,RWE,E.ON,Badenwerk,EPR,TVO,Vattenfall,European Pressurized Water Reactor,EURATOM,energy scenario,proliferation,job,jobs,unemployment,renewable energies,energy needs,alternatives,solution,wind power,wind farms,biomass,expansion,war,wars,oil,gas,coal,fossil,fossil fuels,reserves,parliament,government,EU,European Union,Germany,Finland,France,Atomausstieg,Fakten,Argumente,Atomenergie,Kernenergie,Atomkraft,Kernkraft,Atomkraftwerk,Atomkraftwerke,Kernkraftwerke,Kernkraftwerk,Stilllegung,Stillegung,Abschalten,Atommüll,Radioaktivität,Strahlung,Plutonium,Uran,Super-GAU,Plakate,Plakatkampagne,Plakataktion,Klima,Klimaschutz,Kyoto,Treibhausgase,Kohlendioxid,Emissionen,Verpflichtung,Atombombe,Atomwaffen,Arbeitsplatz,Arbeitsplätze,Atomindustrie,Verpflichtung,Alternativen,Lösung,Windenergie,Solarenergie,Sonnenenergie,Biomasse,Wasserkraft,EUROSOLAR,Weltenergiebedarf,Energiebedarf,Energieverbrauch,Effizienz,Reserven,Ressourcen,Energievorräte,Finnland,Frankreich,Deutschland,Krebs,Schilddrüsenkrebs,Gomel,Gesundheit,Medizin,WHO,Arzt,Ärzte